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Z2: Steel Soldiers [hex cheats] (English)
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 04.04.2008, 15:48
To find what your looking for in the save games folder of Z:SS you'll find files of the 'sz2' variety. NOT the 'sz2.snf' file.
Take this file '?????.sz2' and open it with "HexEdit" by Geoffrey Prewett or another HexEditor.
Then search for the floating point value of 10,000 for the first scenario save.
To search with hex the look for the code will be 00401C46 and right beside it will be another 00401C46 and the a few numbers down the row you'll find it again. This is usually found at address '1630'.
This is where the 10,000 credits are for the first scenario game save.

Change ALL 3 of these values to 00 24 74 49 and you'll have 1,000,000 credits when you return and reload this game. Or 80 96 98 4A and you'll have 5,000,000 credits.
Use the HexEditor to change these values.
Remember not to change only one or two of the above locations or it won't work.
You have to change all 3.

Below is a list of the even credits from 10,000 on up to 15,000 because some of the scenario's start you out with differing amounts. But most all will be found at address '1630':

10,000 = 00401C46\
11,000 = 00E02B46 \ Remember these & other codes will be
12,000 = 00803B46 \ backwards on WinHack Calculator.
13,000 = 00204B46 / But they will be just like seen
14,000 = 00C05A46 / here on the Hex Code of the save file.
15,000 = 00606A46/

If you want more of the above then goto the web and find HexEdit, dowload it and use it to find address 1630. This is where the code will be found in most cases
To find the floating point value download WinHack 1.10 (wh110) and use its calculator feature which has the float integer value which is where you put the value and in the float hex value you'll see the code backwards. The crack for WinHack 110 is as follows:

User Name : Jeremy Pallant
Reg Code : GA6-12312-16766

Thanks go to Troy Willig for breaking this code and only in two days.

Thanks Troy

Категория: Редактор | Добавил: Fadeew2007
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