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Патч Space Empires 5 v1.71 (US&RU)
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 12.04.2008, 17:53

Размер: 7Mb

Version 1.71:
1. Fixed - "Sys_Get_Empire_Government_Type" and "Sys_Get_Empire_Society_Type" were returning
boolean instead of string.
2. Fixed - Combat with units could sometimes cause an error.
3. Fixed - In Simultaneous Games, sight memory of planets would sometimes get cleared.
4. Fixed - The Research window would show items past their maximum level in expected benefits.
5. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Current_Ordnance".
6. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Maximum_Ordnance".
7. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Space_Object_Name".
8. Added - Script function "Sys_Is_Planet_Domed".
9. Added - Script function "Sys_Are_Solar_Systems_Connected".


Version 1.70:
1. Fixed - Sometimes ships could move through a sector with enemy ships and not start combat.
2. Fixed - Help text describing a construction queue's emergency build rate.
3. Changed - Ships in combat with the same target will spread out around the target a bit more.
4. Changed - "Only Engines", "Only Weapons", and "Only Shield Generators" damage types now
penetrate both shields and armor.


Version 1.69:
1. Fixed - When opening a warp point, the error message for insufficient distance was incorrect.
2. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Treaty_Elements_Between_Empires".
3. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Lightyear_Distance_Between_Systems".
4. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Order_Type".
5. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Order_System_Location".
6. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Order_Sector_Location".
7. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Order_Target_Space_Object_ID".
8. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Empire_Fleet_Attack_Formation".
9. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Empire_Fleet_Defense_Formation".
10. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Empire_Fleet_Taskforce_Attack_Strategy".
11. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Empire_Fleet_Taskforce_Defense_Strategy".
12. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Empire_Fleet_Taskforce_Ids".
13. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Empire_Fleet_Taskforce_Ship_Ids".
14. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Space_Object_Cargo_Item_Population_Loyalty".
15. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Empire_Government_Type".
16. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Empire_Society_Type".
17. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Empire_Fleet_Taskforce_Attack_Formation".
18. Added - Script function "Sys_Set_Empire_Fleet_Taskforce_Defense_Formation".
19. Fixed - Shield Imploders were not causing internal damage.
20. Fixed - Weapons will no longer fire on targets that are not effected by the weapon's damage
type's special effect.
21. Fixed - Map creation would crash with more than 2000 stellar objects types. The maximum number
of stellar objects types is now 8000.
22. Fixed - If ground combat is taking place on a planet, the owner of the planet cannot scrap
cargo, jettison cargo, or abandon the planet.
23. Fixed - Organic armor was not regenerating if all of it on the ship was destroyed.
24. Fixed - When one ship rams another, they will both take the warhead damage from both ships.
25. Fixed - All warheads on the ramming ship will be destroyed after a ram.
26. Fixed - AI would delete empty fleets in simultaneous games.
27. Fixed - Maximum units per player per sector were not being enforced.
28. Fixed - "Same As X" planets in SystemTypes.txt were not being named like moons.
29. Fixed - Units can only be launched once per turn.


Version 1.68:
1. Fixed - Ability "Planet Maximum Population" now combines with a sum instead of a max.
2. Changed - Script function "Sys_Change_Planet_Conditions" now takes a real instead of a long.
3. Changed - Script function "Sys_Change_Planet_Value" now takes an additional parameter of the resource type.
4. Fixed - Intelligence action and Event action damaging planet conditions were damaging them too much.
5. Fixed - Improved text for script parser "Incorrect Parameter Type" message.
6. Fixed - Improved text for script parser "Incompatible Types" message.
7. Fixed - Crash with large numbers of stellar object types.
8. Fixed - Sometimes drones would fly beneath their target to ram.
9. Fixed - Sometimes allies would fire weapons on each other during combat.
10. Fixed - Weapons which are negated by shields or armor will not fire on a target which has shields or armor.
11. Changed - Increased the damage done by black holes.
12. Fixed - AI would sometimes send warnings for actions a player didn't take.
13. Fixed - Intelligence actions would continue to occur even after spending was set to zero.
14. Fixed - The first stellar object should always be in the center of the combat map.
15. Fixed - Unit groups in combat would not give their full supplies and ordnance to individual units.
16. Fixed - Ramming target selection was not taking into account targeted damage.


Version 1.67:
1. Fixed - Rare game hang during end of turn processing.
2. Fixed - Log window would crash on some occasions.
3. Added - Additional requirement text for the ring world and sphere world generators.
4. Fixed - Ships would uncloak when a game was loaded.
5. Fixed - "No Tactical Combat" option was not working correctly.
6. Fixed - You can no longer jettison enemy troops on a planet you own.
7. Fixed - Join Fleet order now displays with the actual fleet name.
8. Fixed - Enemy ship designs would still sometimes show after a sector view.
9. Fixed - Allegiance Subverter was working against ships with Master Computers.
10. Fixed - Ships no longer drop their cargo when being retrofitted.
11. Changed - When repairs on a ship are complete, its crew is restored to maximum.
12. Fixed - Occasional error in ground combat with large numbers of units.
13. Fixed - "Psychic Ship Training Facility" typo.
14. Fixed - "Psychic Fleet Training Facility" typo.
15. Fixed - Sometimes units could start outside of the retreat circle in space combat.
16. Fixed - The end of turn confirmation dialog was including ships in fleets for its listing
of ships without orders.
17. Added - The end of turn confirmation dialog now lists fleets with movement remaining but no orders.
18. Fixed - Sometimes mine damage would report hitting the wrong player.

Категория: Патчи | Добавил: Fadeew2007
Просмотров: 1203 | Загрузок: 268 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |
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